The Co-host Coach

Elevate to Mastermind Level: Transformative Coaching, Training, and Community Support

Transform your Co-hosting business with 'The Cohost Coach' Joe Rohne: Gain financial freedom through weekly coaching, training, and community support. Escape the 9-5 routine and build wealth. Join today to start your journey!

Get my blueprint for building a six-figure cohosting business in under a year!

Welcome to The Co-Host Coach – your leading training and mastermind group for short-term rental co-hosting. Our mission is clear: to empower and coach short-term rental owners like YOU to build thriving cohost businesses for a prosperous financial future. Join me to optimize your revenue and make every new client count!

Check out my Chapter on Cohosting in the Hidden Revenue book. Download it today on Amazon!

Our Services

New Members

4 week workshop to set up your business, ensure legal compliance, and prepare for new client growth. Each week will have a specific topic covered and help you prepare for success!

Set up

How to set up a cohost listing from the start? This includes setting up owners new accounts, banking info, taxes, and how to handle paying cleaners, handymen, and even guest communication.


How do you find new clients to cohost for? I have that answer in our initial 4 week workshop as well as ongoing calls to roll play and strategically plan for meetings with potential clients.

Revenue and Reporting

Once you have that client and your making money you will need to send invoices, monthly reports, and track the income and expenses. I will show and share my templates and spreadsheets on what we use to track the data for the owners,

Weekly Q & A

1 hour dedicated each week for an open discussion zoom call to help answer any questions in the cohosting space or even about your own short-term rental from listing optimization to marketing.


What are you doing to market yourself, your business, and even your properties. We will dive into using FB ads, reels, and even tik toks to help you grow your businesses.

Private Facebook Group

You will be invited to join our private Facebook group filled with all current members in the training as well as all members in our mastermind. There is valuable information from everyone in the community.


We will put together weekly, monthly, and even yearly

goals, and there will be accountability calls, texts, and even communication on our Facebook group.

Why Choose Co-Hosting Over Traditional Property Management?

  • #1: Licensing. While some states require specific licenses and classes even for co-hosting, others do not.

  • No handling other people's money. Income flows directly to owners, eliminating the need for escrow accounts or managing owner payouts.

What do our other mastermind members say!


I was able to pick up 4 new cohost properties since joining Joes program. We have biweekly calls and it keeps me focused on the goals were trying to achieve


December 2023


Joe and his team are absolutely the best I’ve ever come across.

In the short six months that we’ve been working together my business has leapt leaps and bounds and I have found immense value in being a part of his mastermind as well as consulting directly with Joe and his team..


February 2024


I connected with Joe when someone gave me his info on a recommendation to “discuss” cohosting when this was a thought for me as a fellow STR owner. He was just getting started himself with a couple of properties and was available to chat with me about his experience and knowledge. We were in the same place regarding how many we owned personally and what our goals were. While life has taken me on a couple different turns and slowed my progression since then, Joe is my resource for this industry in hospitality and cohosting. Joe has been available for calls with me to answer questions, collaboration on ideas and at times to be of sound advice in my personal STR adventures. Joe’s energy in cohosting is amazing to watch and see the progress that has been made in just one years' time. The amount he accomplishes on a weekly/monthly basis amazes me and is such a huge source of encouragement for me. Joe started our mastermind group and invited me in from the very beginning. I saw very quickly that I was in a group of like-minded people who were in the same place as far as investing as well as cohosting. Small number of properties, small amount or even zero for cohosting and scratching to get started. We each have something to bring, and we all have things to learn! Learning and helping each other has been an amazing asset for me with our group. The success stories intertwined with the hurdles and challenges keeps us all in check and makes us realize we all have the same thing in common- this is a work in progress and nothing great comes without hard work, persistence, and working through those challenges that arise! This group has been so supportive, even so in the times I’ve felt I had nothing to give. I’m proud to be a part of this mastermind and learn from such a group and leader!


April 2024

Invitation to Connect

I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

Frequently Asked Question

Why do owners need a co-host?

Short-term rental investing is not passive. It's often said that it's 20x more work to manage a short-term rental than a long-term rental.

Whether this is a second home for their family or strictly an investment property that produces an income stream, homes need care and attention. Working with a professional will give you peace of mind that everything will be cared for and ready when you or your guest come visit.

How much does this program cost?

Option 1 is the 4 week Co-Hosting workshop. This is done bi-monthly and consists of Four 1-2 hour group sessions, Training videos, and weekly office hour Q&A.

Option 2 is join the mastermind- $200 per month or $2000 for the year if paid up front. Paying a full year up front gets you the Co-Host workshop FREE!

What does the mastermind entail?

Once the 4 week workshop is over you will have the option to enter into the Co-host Collective mastermind. This will continue your growth with bi-weekly accountability calls, weekly Q&A calls, and 1-2 one on one calls with Joe

When can you start?

We do Co-Host workshops every other month

The Cohost Coach

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